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Sage Timeslips Premium Ideas Portal

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UA: Print the "What’s New" topics to PDF

Be able to print the what's new topics to a PDF as an Upgrade Guide of sorts.
James Reese almost 3 years ago in Reporting 0

ECENTER: Show Dashboards with data from Premium

Expand eCenter capabilities to operation data such as total billable hours, unpaid balances, data total, client profile info, etc. The dashboard would allot for basic reporting, but bill generation is not supported. eCenter Dashboard logins availa...
James Reese almost 3 years ago in eCenter 0

REPORTS: Taxable Expense Report

In NM not all expenses (what I call advanced costs) are taxable. Between Payment Distribution - Fees & Costs, Tax on Each Invoice and Tax Collection Summary reports I have managed to manually arrive at what amount we owe the state in gross rec...
James Reese almost 3 years ago in Reporting 0

REPORTS: When using a date range filter, show the date of week

When you are using a date range in a report or on a dialog box, also show the day of week in the line item. So instead of showing 7/3/2023 to 7/7/2023, you would see MON 7/3/2023 to FRI 7/7/2023.
James Reese almost 3 years ago in Reporting 0

REPORTS: Print reports automatically on a schedule

Allow reports to automatically print to a PDF on a particular schedule. This should be able to work with relative dates, etc.
James Reese almost 3 years ago in Reporting 0

TAL: Create a TAL Pro connection between Timeslips and Sage Accounting

No description provided
James Reese almost 3 years ago in Integration 0

REPORTS: Any reports that use hard-coded filters to expose those filters and default to them instead

No description provided
James Reese almost 3 years ago in Reporting 0

REPORTS: Add WYSIWYG section to UD reports

No description provided
James Reese almost 3 years ago in Reporting 0

AUDIT: Add price levels 2-20 to audit trail system - R-02701

No description provided
James Reese almost 3 years ago in Other 0

LAWPAY: Use a URL shortener with LawPay "Pay Now" - R-02481

No description provided
James Reese almost 3 years ago in Integration 0