Change color of required printing of invoice and rebill instructions in Undo Multiple Bills window.
It would be nice to be able to clearly see which boxes items have already been printed in the Undo Multiple Bills window. The default grey to green is barely noticeable. Marking the checkmark turn red after printing would stand out much better. Al...
All timekeepers should be able to attach expense backup to expense slips and to be able to use any scanner (including a phone scanner) to send a PDF for expense backup to be attached to an invoice. This should be included in eCenter, timeslips GO,...
Our browsers time out after only 3-5 minutes. We bill our tasks in 6 minute increments, so every time we go to enter a slip, we have to re-login. If we are working on a project and have begun to enter time, then it logs us out, we lose what we had...
Should allow deletion of time or expense slips directly from bill preview just like we can edit entries and time. Now you cannot delete. One has to open actual slip and delete. Very time consuming.
Add filter to Aged WIP report for Client Classification.
The Aged WIP report does not have the option to filter by Client Classification. The "Aged WIP with Client Info" does. Seems it would be easy to add it to the Aged WIP report.
It would be nice to be able to easily change the order of slips for a given date from the bill view. To move an entry up or down if they are the same date. Often an attorney would like their time before the staff or vice versa on the bill so it do...
Pre bill worksheet needs to be able to be downloaded into Excel... it boggles my mind that this cannot be done
There are times when downoading the pre bill worksheet into excel allows for other types of work to be done with this information. The fact that only the slip listing can be downloaded (with no ability to see totals at all from this function) is i...
Allow the eCenter Admin to control/set which clients a Timekeeper can access/use. This functionality would be similar to "My Client List Selection" in Timeslips premium. Timekeepers can currently access all active clients which can result in confu...