When printing a "client info listing" from the Reports tab for more than one client, allow the option to start a new page for each client.. Currently you have to print a report for each client separately - truly tedious.,
Add filter to Aged WIP report for Client Classification.
The Aged WIP report does not have the option to filter by Client Classification. The "Aged WIP with Client Info" does. Seems it would be easy to add it to the Aged WIP report.
Should allow deletion of time or expense slips directly from bill preview just like we can edit entries and time. Now you cannot delete. One has to open actual slip and delete. Very time consuming.
It would be nice to be able to easily change the order of slips for a given date from the bill view. To move an entry up or down if they are the same date. Often an attorney would like their time before the staff or vice versa on the bill so it do...