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Sage Timeslips Premium Ideas Portal

Sage Timeslips Premium

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ECENTER: Warn when removing a login associated with "not complete" slips.

Show a warning when removing a login from the eCenter for a user that has Not Complete slips. This will help ensure billable time is billed properly in Premium.
James Reese over 2 years ago in eCenter 0

TSADMIN: On View Licenses screen, show Last Login date for each license

Showing the last login date of each license can help determine which one to clear.
James Reese over 2 years ago in Other 0

SLIPS: Add WIP and Billed Totals to bottom of Slip List - R-02695

No description provided
James Reese over 2 years ago in Slips 0

FUNDS: Include a Payment Type on Funds Transactions - IRS Issues - R-02638

Being able to sort Trust payments by Payment Type would make a huge difference - obviously for deposit reports. The IRS requires a Form 8300 for Cash transactions greater than $10,000 for related matters. This includes multiple payments that add u...
James Reese over 2 years ago in Funds 0

BILLS: Automated Bill Due Reminder Emails - R-02442

The end-user would like to send a customized email, based on a template to all clients who are setup to receive invoices and/or statements via email. This automated process should allow the Timeslips user to set the days before due, whether to sen...
James Reese over 2 years ago in Billing 0

BILLS: New section on bill to show Past Invoices

Almost like a statement section
James Reese over 2 years ago in Billing 0

LAWPAY: Add PAY NOW button on bill PDF and virtual payment terminal

This feature allows users to include a link to the the Firm's virtual payment terminal. LawPay “Pay Now” link on client invoice PDF. LawPay link will not contain and A/R Balance or invoice info.
James Reese over 2 years ago in Integration 0

UA: Print the "What’s New" topics to PDF

Be able to print the what's new topics to a PDF as an Upgrade Guide of sorts.
James Reese over 2 years ago in Reporting 0

ECENTER: Show Dashboards with data from Premium

Expand eCenter capabilities to operation data such as total billable hours, unpaid balances, data total, client profile info, etc. The dashboard would allot for basic reporting, but bill generation is not supported. eCenter Dashboard logins availa...
James Reese over 2 years ago in eCenter 0

REPORTS: Taxable Expense Report

In NM not all expenses (what I call advanced costs) are taxable. Between Payment Distribution - Fees & Costs, Tax on Each Invoice and Tax Collection Summary reports I have managed to manually arrive at what amount we owe the state in gross rec...
James Reese over 2 years ago in Reporting 0